
tumblr_mit68f3I2E1rmczfbo1_400Welcome to Study 1401.  We are very pleased that you are participating.  We think you’ll find this study fun, as well as probing and insightful.  The study consists of several segments and exercises of all different kinds, touching on a multitude of subjects.

Less than 5% of all respondents to our studies are invited to participate in this study so go ahead and feel special!

 Before we begin, we need to do a little housekeeping.  First, we need a little information from you to make you more comfortable, and then we need to review how this study works.

We know this was mentioned when you signed up, but we want to emphasize this - this study was designed with a main component being that the participant finds it fun.  The more a participant happily anticipates the next segment then the more responsive that participant will likely be.  We want you, and all the participants, to be in a good frame of mind each time you complete a task or segment.

In addition to bringing us some valuable research data, you also stand to get a lot out of this study in the way of physical, mental, and sexual stimulation.  If we get data that furthers our research, and you get a sex life and pleasure centers that are even better than they are now then we’ll have a true success.  So, relax, unwind, let go, open up, and have some great fun with this study.  It will benefit all involved, and mostly you!



A portion of the study involves you being assigned “tasks” and then following up with the results of each.  Nothing too outlandish, just fun, provocative, sexual or sensual tasks.  Some of these will involve your spouse, although when they do he must not know because it will change the dynamic of response - if he knows it is part of your study then it will likely change his reaction and that will inevitably change your reaction and impressions.  It is understood that if your spouse isn’t receptive to one of your tasks that involves him then that assignment is complete.  Then that lack of response on his part is the result, so just report that back. Please acknowledge that you understand this and that you won’t let your spouse know when something you do or say/ask/suggest to him is part of this study.


Some of the segments in this study require for our research that certain environmental, attitudinal, physical, or atmospheric conditions are met.  In each case we would like to explain to you why the conditions are so important, however, doing so may alter how you view the segment and/or how you naturally respond to it.  We can remind you that in all of our studies, and particularly in these advanced studies, we are researching how both the mind and body respond to certain things, and also how the response of one (the mind or body) affects the other.  Therefore, in this advanced study, it is absolutely imperative that when a condition is placed on a segment that it is adhered to.  If that means you delay completion of that segment for awhile until the condition can be met then that’s what we need you to do.  Please, no shortcuts at this advanced level. Please acknowledge that you understand the above and will adhere to the conditions.


This study is anonymous and your privacy is assured.  We recognize that the study is intimate in nature and want to make sure you are as comfortable as possible participating and responding.  To that end, throughout the study you will never be taked by or corresponding with more than two team members.  Usually, one male and one female.  In terms of the lead team member assigned to your study, do you prefer a male or female?

To aid in response, some segments of the study (presentations, multimedia files, or correspondence) are much more effective when a name is used in them to personalize them.  We ask that you supply us your first name (first name only please) so that some of these items can be tailored to you for better response.  You may use an alias, but only if it is a name that you easily and readily respond to - like a lifelong nickname.

This study is interactive, so if at any time you have a question or suggestion feel free to send it to the email address that will be supplied to you.  Please click “Submit” to get things started!